Check out my youtube channel to know more about me!
The below video you see are coming from my home automation journey. Do checkout my DIY coffee table LED. I believe its “sellable” if there is a mass production on this. Any investors willing to chip in to make it happen? LOL !! Technologies like this are what intrigues me, it allows me to find answers deeper and replicate the same stuff people are doing on/with the intenet.
I’m a geek who likes to DIY technology stuffs. Got something interesting?, please update me.
Nike Dunk Low - Year of the Rabbit
Vertiv pdu reset
Airtags by Apple
Qlone 3D Scanning
Motor Show 2020 Singapore @Suntec Convention Centre
周杰伦 嘉年華 世界巡回演唱会 2020 新加坡站 - Jay Chou Carnival World Tour 2020 Singapore
Apple Watch Series 5 controlling Xiaomi devices via Siri and Shortcuts
Kelvin Chew Live Stream
Home Assistant + HA Bridge + Broadlink RM2 + Raspberry PI + Google Home Integration
Amazon Echo Dot connects bluetooth to aftermarket Joying headunit
Smart Doorbell !!! Fibaro Video Gate demo